Editors’ Letter: In Season 2023

Hello, summer! It’s been a minute since we had a normal summer. Normal can be interpreted as boring, but we are loving normal. With summer in full swing on the Vineyard, we are all busy bees. Speaking of bees, Mollie Doyle meets up with Betsy Fink, Luanne Johnson, and Matt Pelikan of the MV Pollinator Pathways project, which takes us around to some Island farms where experiments on bee habitats are being studied. 

We head way up-Island to experience a true family business in a dreamy location in Aquinnah. We catch up with the Taylor family at the Outermost Inn, where family, tradition, and hard work are always on display — not to mention gorgeous surroundings and delicious eats. 

Also delicious are the ever-special, authentic pierogies created by Chef Krem Miskevich, handmade with whatever is local and in season, pure magic! 

We think you will find a lot of pretty things in this issue: edible flowers, orange wine, bright-green summer pesto, and of course, a pretty little place called Milkweed Farm in Chilmark. 

With summer in full swing, Islanders are working at a crazy pace — but no more than our amazing team that makes Edible happen. We are going to gush and thank our print crew, who leap from creating the weekly newspaper, The Martha’s Vineyard Times, right into our Edible Vineyard world. We couldn’t do it without these incredibly hard working geniuses —

Eagle eye and fearless creative director for print: Kris Rabasca. Print production manager and multitasking king, Dave Plath. Crossing T’s and dotting I’s, our print design queen Nicole Jackson. Jenna Lambert and Sharisse Scott Rawlins, our rockin’ sales team, bringing partners to support our mission at Edible Vineyard. They all help us focus on Our Food, Our Stories, and Our Community. Also, publishers Peter and Barbara Oberfest, who grabbed Edible Vineyard and brought it back from nearly fading away.  

Enjoy the season, Connie + Tina

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